A Gym Magic Story: Chary

"The “Gym Magic Fund” is a way for clients who have experienced Gym Magic to give to or pay forward some of that Magic to client’s who desperately need it because maybe they’ve lost a job, they’re behind on their student loan payments, need to support in-need parents or had some other financial setback." - Shannon McLay, Founder and CEO of the Financial Gym

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We are excited to share another client's story about how receiving Gym Magic helped her reach her goals. Meet Chary!

Chary started at the Financial Gym during Summer of 2017. She resides in Brooklyn, NY and has been working hard with her trainer, Crystal Martinez, to pay off her debt. Chary has decided to share with us how her experience with the Financial Gym and Gym Magic has helped her along the way.

FINANCIAL GYM: Why did you reach out to the Financial Gym?
CHARY: Actually, we somehow found each other. We (thecnnekt) were in the works of putting an event together in Summer 2017, and after talking to Shannon in person, I was inspired to sign up and work on this goal (get my financies in order) that I always put on the back-burner.

FG: How do you feel now?
C: I feel good about my decision to join FG and being more mindful of my money. Overall, gaining financial literacy has been one of the best things out of this experience. Being a First-Generation Asian-American woman, I was not taught financial literacy growing up, so it was crucial for me to understand and embark this financial journey to share with future generations.

FG: How do you plan to use the Gym Magic Money?
C: I saved it for a very rainy day... pouring!

FG: Was there any other Gym Magic that came your way since joining?
C: Totally. Met a lot of great WOMEN who inspire me and challenge me, and of course, being smart about making #moneymoves. Shout out to my Trainer, Crystal, who pushed me to take a higher paying job and who has constantly been my sounding board.

FG: What are you working for? What’s your driving motivation for getting financially healthy?
C: I need to clear my debt! It's been almost a year in the program, and when I reviewed my credit statements a couple months ago, I didn't realize how aggressive I was paying it off. It feels so good to see the balance getting lower and lower and raising them credit points! As much as traveling and everything else sounds fun, this is my priority - and it is literally to be free.

Are you interested in spreading some Gym Magic to FinGym clients? Click below to donate! Anything makes a difference.