Kelly Medina

Kelly Medina

Financial Trainer


Allentown, PA

From a young age, I embarked on a financial journey that began with learning the fundamentals of budgeting. As a child, understanding the value of money and how to manage it effectively became the foundation of my financial literacy. This early exposure to budgeting instilled a sense of responsibility and financial awareness.

Over the years, I honed my skills in money management, progressing from basic budgeting to more advanced financial strategies. As I entered adulthood, I applied these principles to my own life, establishing a solid financial foundation. The ability to budget not only became a practical skill but a mindset that shaped my financial decisions.

Now, with my own family's finances, I take pride in maintaining and growing our financial well-being. This involves not only budgeting but also strategic planning, investing, and continuously seeking opportunities to enhance our financial health. The journey has been a continuous learning process, and I remain committed to staying informed about personal finance to ensure a secure and prosperous future for my family.

What is the best financial advice you were ever given?

Save with a purpose.

What are you working for?

I am working on my own personal financial health, being able to invest in goals I thought weren’t possible.

What’s your best and worst financial decision?

Best financial decision: Automating my monthly payments.

Worst financial decision: Not building my emergency fund sooner.

What’s your favorite financial tip?

Continuous Learning: Stay informed about personal finance. Financial literacy is empowering, and understanding the principles of investing, taxes, and money management can help you make more informed decisions for your financial future.

Expert in:

Budgeting, Money Mindfulness, Saving, Couple’s Finance